CitySHAPES is a not-for-profit focused on building better cities.
Our work is focused in four main areas. Housing and homelessness. Sustainable transportation. Climate action. Municipal governance and finance.
CitySHAPES is led by Catherine McKenney and Neil Saravanamuttoo.
Unique Perspective
CitySHAPES provides unique insights into how cities work and how decisions are made.
We understand how city finances are run, how City Hall works, and how to be successful around a Council table.
We work directly with municipalities, as well as community groups engaged with City Hall.
Catherine McKenney is the Executive Director of CitySHAPES.
Catherine was previously a two-term Councillor and former senior staff member at the City of Ottawa.
Neil Saravanamuttoo is a CitySHAPES director.
Neil was previously the chief economist of the G20's Global Infrastructure Hub and an executive in the Department of Finance Canada.